Gap–Kalamazoo communication skills assessment form

Gap–Kalamazoo Communication Skills Assessment Form(GKCSAF)起源自美國密歇根州的Kalamazoo共識會議。該會議由醫學教育家、臨床醫師和其他醫療專業人士共同參與,目的是為了提升臨床溝通技能的評估和教學方法。會議提出7項醫病溝通的重要元素或是領域 [1],成為後續醫病溝通相關課程與評估工具的發展架構。Peterson等人(2014)根據該架構發展出GKCSAF [2],讓單一或是多個評分者(通常是醫師、治療師、同儕)從第三者的角度評分醫病溝通當中醫療方的溝通能力。



  1. 建立醫病關係 (builds a relationship)
  2. 開啟議題討論 (opens the discussion)
  3. 收集資料 (gathers information)
  4. 了解病人/家屬的觀點 (understands the patients' and families perspectives)
  5. 確保病人/家屬理解訊息 (share information)
  6. 達成共識 (reaches agreement)
  7. 總結並結束 (provides closure)
  8. 展現同理 (demonstrates empathy)
  9. 傳遞正確資訊 (communicate accurate information)



  1. Makoul, G. (2001). Essential elements of communication in medical encounters: The Kalamazoo consensus statement. Academic Medicine, 76(4), 390–393.
  2. Peterson, E. B., Calhoun, A. W., & Rider, E. A. (2014). The reliability of a modified Kalamazoo Consensus Statement Checklist for assessing the communication skills of multidisciplinary clinicians in the simulated environment. Patient Education and Counseling, 96(3), 411–418.
  3. Fan, S.-C., Tsai, S.-T., Wang, Y.-C., Lee, M.-L., Huang, S.-L., & Hsieh, C.-L. (2024). Reliability of the Gap–Kalamazoo communication skills assessment form in occupational therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 03080226241239574.